Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Catawba Brewing White Zombie

We really enjoyed Catawba's beers while on vacation in Asheville, NC.  I initially tasted White Zombie on tap there and enjoyed the mild flavor profile so much that I brought a can home!  I'm sure the canned beer will be somewhat different than fresh off the tap but I'm certainly excited to give it a try!

Brewery: Catawba 
Style: Witbier
ABV: 4.7%
Glass: Tulip

Appearance: Straw colored with hints of green, this beer pours with a 1-2 inch fluffy white head that drops within a few minutes and leaves little to no lacing on the glass.  Definite flocculants visible with a full pour.

Aroma: Aroma is bready with notes of orange-like citrus.  

Body & Texture: Light medium body with a decent carbonation and a lightly effervescent mouth feel.

Taste:  Flavor comes across mild at first but builds with the glass, incorporating notes of wheat, orange peel, and a light spice and finishing with the hint of a mild bitter hop in the finish to complete a fantastic array of taste.  Farther down the glass the flavor becomes stronger, and 

Overall: While I will say that this was definitely better fresh as the flavor profiles were a little more powerful and easily detected, this is still a really tasty wit!  I enjoyed this particular can with a reuben sandwich and, not to toot my own horn, but that was an excellent decision.  The flocculants might be offputting to more inexperienced drinkers who might be intimidated if they happen to notice the presence of "stuff" in their beer - but don't worry it's perfectly acceptable for it to be there!  This beer has a great flavor that is mild and versatile enough to pair with a variety of foods or drink alone.  I love that it started as a Halloween beer and evolved into a year-round favorite.  Serve this at your Halloween party, a winter mixer, or your summer BBQ, this flexible little brew will go just about anywhere for you just like it seems to have done for its brewers!

Check out more of Catawba's beers at their website -

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