Monday, August 25, 2014

Catawba Brewing King Don's Pumpkin Ale

My first experience with Catawba Brewing Company came in Asheville, NC at Barley's Taproom when I knew at first glance that I absolutely had to try their King Coconut Porter.  It was as billed, a candy bar in a glass.  I was sold from sip one.  I tried a few of their other brews while in Asheville and was so impressed I brought a few home!  This is pumpkin beer season, so I figured I'd start with this tasty looking can here!  Yes, I know it's still August, go away.  Football has started, so fall has started, and fall means pumpkin beer!  It's logic, accept it.

Brewery: Catawba 
Style: Pumpkin Ale
ABV: 5.0%
Glass: Snifter

Appearance: Gorgeous amber-red color that captures the light and absolutely shines!  Head pours about half an inch, a light to medium tan that is just slightly on the red side. 

Aroma: Very spicy!  Definitely contains notes of cinnamon, nutmeg, allspice, maybe some cardamom.  

Body & Texture: Lightly carbonated and medium bodied, however it is difficult to pick up on the lighter carbonation because the spice adds a tingle that mimics the effect of a much more carbonated beer - quite an interesting texture to be sure!

Taste:  Everything a pumpkin beer should be!  Deep, rich pumpkin notes give rise to heavy spices that follow the aroma.  The spices are definitely the king of the King Don's, cinnamon and nutmeg being especially prevalent.  Quite spicy actually, but this is not unpleasant!  

Overall: This is only my, hmm, fourth pumpkin beer of the season, but it is definitely my favorite so far!  I'm a huge fan of spicier beers, because when executed properly, they become an amazingly complex and savory yet refreshing beverage that always leaves you craving more.  This particular pumpkin ale is just all around good!  Not only is it beautiful to look at (please use an appropriate glass to enjoy this work of art), it also goes down easy and provides an amazing array of complex flavors that range from almost sweet pumpkin to savory, tingly spices that tickle the tongue and trick you into believeing that there's more carbonation in your glass than there really is.  This one gets an A+ in my book!

Read about Catawba and the rest of their delicious brews at their website -

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