Sunday, March 9, 2014

Lucky Buddha Beer

I wanted it.  I saw the bottle on the Facebook page of one of our favorite beer sellers and I wanted it immediately.  That being said, there is absolutely no excuse for whatever review is about to happen here.  I ignored all of my finely crafted beer knowledge and instinct that should have said "Stop! Don't do it!" when I set eyes on that green bottle, but I didn't.  So I apologize for what is about to happen.

Beer: Lucky Buddha Beer
Brewery: Lucky Drink Co.
Style: European Pale Lager
ABV: 4.8%
Glass: Boston Lager glass

Appearance: Pale and very clear, with a finger's worth of surprisingly fluffy white head.  

Aroma: Brings to min your average American-style lager, with prevalent adjunct grain smell.

Body & Texture: Light bodied and prickly with hard carbonation.  

Taste:  Surprisingly, I managed to snag one when the shipment first came in, so this isn't incredibly skunked.  Adjunct grain flavors are at the forefront with a mellowing sweetness to follow.  

You're going to want the bottle.  How could you not, that happy Buddha laughing and holding your beer for you?  Unless you can get a bottle right off the truck, then don't do it.  Anything that comes in not only a green bottle but a novelty bottle is bound to be something that skunks and spoils.  I'm not a huge fan of ye olde adjunct grain beers, but if that's your cup of tea you may as well try and find one of these when it comes in to your local beer store, get some variety in that fridge.

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