Sunday, January 12, 2014

Spring House Braaaiins!

Some time around Thanksgiving I acquired two beers by Spring House after a trip home to State College, PA.  Thanks so much to the wonderful guys at the Hopshop Beer Market in State College - you really are the best place to buy beer in Lion country!  

The first beer we had from Spring House was called Satan's Bake Sale, a mint chocolate chip cookie stout, which I enjoyed a few month ago.  Needless to say I need MORE!  So glad I purchased two beers from Spring House, and I look forward to going home and acquiring more of their brews!

Beer: Braaaiins!
Brewery: Spring House Brewing Company
Style: Pumpkin/yam beer
ABV: 7.1%
Glass: Snifter

Appearance: Pours a translucent, unfiltered amber with a small off-white head.

Aroma:  Heavy caramel aroma, reminds me of caramel apples or heavily caramelized cider in the fall.

Body & Texture: Light to medium body with a light carbonation.  Very smooth.

Taste: Taste follows aroma, in that is heavily caramelized, and lightly spicy.  I don't get a lot of pumpkin out of this but the taste does still cause one to reminisce of fall and cool weather activities.  

4/5 I really love this beer - the caramel flavor is something of a strength that I've never encountered in beer before, almost like caramel was added later in the brewing process or just before bottling.  That being said, I can't in good conscience call this a pumpkin beer, because the pumpkin flavor just isn't there.  Were I judging this at competition, I would rate it significantly lower only because you really don't get that spicy, slightly fruity taste that is generally acceptable in a pumpkin ale.  Don't let that push you away from trying this brew if you can get your hands on it (I don't think they sell outside of PA).  It is really quite delicious, and would especially taste wonderful with either pumpkin pie or cheesecake.  The smooth mouth feel rolls through your mouth and coats your tongue with sticky sweetness that really pleases the taste buds.  Can't wait to get more from Spring House, you guys rock!

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