RJ Rockers was yet another of the multitude of breweries whose various pumpkin ales I cruised through on the journey about my Epic Pumpkin Ale Quest this past fall. Their Gruntled Pumpkin, from what I recall, was extremely smooth and creamy and went quite well with my famous pumpkin cheesecake! Son of a Peach has been staring at me from a dark corner in 101 Bottles of Beer on the wall, one of my favorite beer shops, since around that time, and I finally picked it up hoping that I grabbed one out of a corner dark enough that it wouldn't have developed any skunk from the fluorescent lights. As luck would have it, this one was still good, so here we are - to beer!
Beer: Son of a Peach
Brewery: RJ Rockers
Style: Fruit Beer
ABV: 6.0%
Style: Fruit Beer
ABV: 6.0%
Glass: Tulip snifter (Check out my sweet GLBC 25th anniversary glass!)
Appearance: Pours a light hazy amber with about a fingernail's worth of wet, white head that leaves a small ring as it descends the glass to settle on the beer surface.
Aroma: Very strong aroma of peaches with a background of biscuits or wheat. Smell is almost like a peach pie or a cobbler.
Body & Texture: Light body with a fresh, highly carbonated, and extremely fresh mouth feel. Finishes with a light dryness.
Taste: The flavor follows the aroma, starting with a light peach flavor. The amount of peach in the flavor in comparison with the nose is surprisingly less, but this is not unpleasant as some fruit beers can get overpoweringly sweet and this one is not. As you get down the glass, the peach starts to give suggestion of a sour, as peaches are apt to do, but in a pleasant way that adds to the experience. Middle fades to a light wheat and ends with a mild hop bitterness.
Overall: 4/5 A light, drinkable, and just sweet enough fruit beer that would be deliciously quenching on an summer night. This would make an excellent pairing for whitefish tacos with a mango-peach salsa, and now that I've said that I'm seriously considering a trip to the grocery store! I've seen several reviews where it is commented that this really "isn't anything special," however I'm inclined to disagree. What makes a beer particularly "special" is either originality or how much you the drinker like it, and I quite like fruit beers in particular, though I've heard this is quite unusual for a "beer snob." I enjoyed Son of a Peach because it used the fruit flavors I do so love and mixed them with a strong wheat that blended into the background and allowed the peach sweetness to fade off, leaving room for just enough bitter hop flavor. It's a well rounded beer. Maybe not so much if you're not into the fruit of things, but if you'd like something refreshing then give this guy a try!
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