Saturday, December 21, 2013

Millersburg Brewing Company

I first encountered Millersburg Brewing Company this fall when I went on what can only be titled an Epic Pumpkin Ale Quest.  Capitol letters because it really was quite epic - in all I tasted close to 50 different pumpkin beers, my favorite seasonal style without a doubt.  Near the top of my list, possibly my number one pumpkin ale was MBC's Pope's Imperial Pumpkin Ale.  A veritable assault of pumpkin and spice, it bears a much heavier sweetness than others of the style, almost cidery but with quintessential beer flavors, and a bite created by a delicious heavy spice.  Judging by the ratings on RateBeer, it isn't everyone's favorite but it certainly ranks at the top of my list - the originality and complexity of the beer was plenty enough to make up for any off style flavors it might have.

Several times we've driven through Millersburg, OH since then but have never had time to stop and check out the bar or have a drink.  Tonight, on the way home from the ever-hectic family Christmas party, we decided it was high time we stop in for a brew or two.  

MBC is a pretty good sized bar/tasting room located on Millersburg's town square, facing the Holmes County Courthouse.  Patrons can park on the street in front of the brewery or in one of several public lots within quick walking distance around the town.  The interior of the tasting venue is described as a 1920's feel, though with it's large wooden tables, simple metal stools and somewhat outdoorsey decor, I would venture to say that it has more of a rustic feel to it.  Whatever it is, the bar offers a quiet and roomy atmosphere that caters to both the casual drinker and the beer fanatic looking to do a nice tasting.

They offer "at least 8 beers" on tap at all times, plus an extensive wine list for those strange non beer loving people who might accidentally stumble in there.  Glasses come in 4 or 16 oz pours, and I noted the presence of both snifters and standard beer glasses behind the bar.  I'm a big fan of the snifter while tasting, so this pleased me greatly!  Patrons can also purchase growlers and brewery swag like t-shirts, bandannas, and of course glasses.

The Dobie and I decided that our best course of action (as per our usual in brewpubs and tasting rooms) was to go for the full tasting flight and try out everything they had to offer today.  It was enormous and only cost us $12, so naturally we were pleased. They offer a good variety of styles, with what seems to be a preference towards lighter, sweeter, or less hopped brews.

Of the 12 beers we sampled, including two of their seasonal brews, I have to say my favorites were the Fort Fizzle, an extremely unique albeit slightly off style winter ale that uses fruit tones in lieu of spice, the Doc's Scotch Ale, which has a beautiful sweetness that ends in a warm dry almost earthiness, and the French Ridge IPA.  The IPA was exactly what an IPA should be, and it definitely carried a wow factor for me.  From the distinct blend of several interesting hop flavors, it is clear that quite a bit of time was spent on the delicate crafting of this excellent brew.  Hopheads, you need this one.  

In all, I really loved MBC!  They offer an excellent atmosphere and unique, complex, exciting beers that leave the drinker wanting to taste more and more of what this relatively new brewery has to offer.  My one and only complaint comes from being a terrible beer snob, but I do not care for the style of their tasting glasses.  The small four-ounce glasses they offer in the long wooden tasting trays do not leave room to observe the head of the beer or adequately catch the delicate and delicious aromas that many of their beers clearly have.  Essentially, I feel as though their tasting glasses are really causing MBC to sell themselves short!  A taller glass with the same sized pour would be perfect, and would still be perfectly accented by the decor and the unique (and heavy duty) flight bars they offer.  

We'll definitely be going back to MBC, and taking our beer friends with us.  If you find yourself in central Ohio searching out a good brewery or just milling about doing your cheese and antique shopping for the year, stop by Millersburg Brewing Company for a beer or two, or even a whole tasting flight - you won't be disappointed!

Check out their website and read more about their beers at

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