Saturday, September 27, 2014

Night Shift Ever Weisse

A few weeks ago, a good friend of ours was in from Boston and brought us a few bombers from one of her favorite Boston breweries, Night Shift Brewing, located in Everett, MA.  While she was with us, we had the pleasure to enjoy two of their brews - JoJo and Viva Habanera.  Both beers were delicious, the JoJo was a gorgeous looking brew and the Viva Habanera definitely satisfied my constant cravings for a hot and spicy beer.  Needless to say I was quite impressed and decided we needed to review the others we received.  I'm a sucker for sours, so we're starting off with the Ever Weisse, a Berliner Weisse style sour with strawberries, kiwis, and hibiscus flowers.  Our particular bottle is hand marked as having been bottled 6-25-14 - I find it quite awesome that they're hand marking their bottling dates!  Night Shift also lists food pairings from Boston-area restaurants on their bottles, fantastic!

Brewery: Night Shift Brewing
Style: Berliner Weisse
ABV: 5.9%
Glass: Mason Jar 

Appearance: Pours a golden with touches of pink and orange, slightly cloudy.  Head is bright white and effervescent with very little retention, disappearing quickly and leaving a small bubbly white ring around the edges of the glass.

Aroma: Carries a definite  yeast sour aroma blended with floral notes and perhaps a hint of hop.

Body & Texture: Light boddied and thickly carbonated, with a mild prickle across the tongue and roof of the mouth.

Taste:  Flavor is very tart with a good pucker on the first taste that fades as you move down the glass.  Strawberry and kiwi flavor are present throughout, with notes of hibiscus more detectable at the very start and later in the finish.  Wheat carries the background and is more detectable with a longer hold.  

Overall: This bold sour is sure to delight both the sour connoisseur and the fruit beer lover.  The powerful tartness and complimentary fruit and floral flavors come together for quite the forward sour beer.  The background wheat flavors were a fantastic base to bring the bigger flavors to the forefront and it allows the drinker to have the opportunity to separate each various added taste within the brew.  Personally, this particular beer gets an A+ and a 5/5 in my book.  If you are a sucker for that powerful pucker fish face then you can't pass up the opportunity to try this pretty beer.  I look forward to my next trip to the Boston area so that I might have the chance to check out this awesome brewery and pick up more of their fantastic beers!

Check out Ever Weiss and the rest of Night Shift's beers at their website -

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