Saturday, May 3, 2014

Ithaca Apricot Wheat

Quit with the fruit beer already woman!  I know, but look, it was a long hot day at work and I need something refreshing before I tuck in to the bigger stuff.  I generally like the wheat-blend fruit beers, as many of the offer a solid balance between that bready wheat flavor and subtle sweetness with a good solid fruit backing.  Let's see how this one goes!

Beer: Apricot Wheat
Brewery: Ithaca Beer Company
Style: Fruit/Vegetable Beer
ABV: 4.9%
Glass: Wheat Glass

Appearance:  Pours a cloudy straw yellow with a decent-sized white head that drops quickly with little trace.

Aroma:  Powerful apricot aromas with hints of bread or light malt in the background just barely coming through.

Body & Texture:  Light bodied with a healthy carbonation.

Taste:  Apricot flavor is definitely in the forefront with subtle hints of bread backing it up.  The apricot and wheat blend together very smoothly, with none of the jarring flavor transitions that sometimes occur with crossover fruit beers.

Overall:  A solid session beer that goes down easy and doesn't leave you disappointed.  This is a very mild beer that would be a good match for a beginner who isn't really sure they quite like craft beer (or beer at all) because it is not too bitter or powerfully flavored.  For the hopheads in the room, this won't be the favorite of the night, but it probably won't go right in the bucket either.  Grab Ithaca's Apricot Wheat for a brew session on a hot day, or if you need to convince a beer hating friend that beer actually tastes pretty good.  I promise it isn't your run of the mill, disappointingly sweet fruit beer - while pretty unassuming, this beer has a little something that everyone can appreciate and enjoy while sharing a cold one!

Check out Apricot Wheat and Ithaca Beer Co's other beers at their website -

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